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Focus and Scope

EstuDav proposes three study areas where articles can be articulated and connected:

- Social and Political Studies: this field of study is oriented to watch phenomenons, processes, and actors in America. This field includes topics, problems, and dilemmas faced by globalized societies, communities, collectives in general, and Americans in particular, giving priority to theoretical-methodological interdisciplinary approaches, with original studies that research and open ways to comprehend processes, transformations, identities, subjectivities, and (new) forms of politics. Science, Technology, and Society studies on migrations and individuals are also included.

- Art, Ideas, and Culture: this line includes reflection and research in the fields of the history of ideas in America, sociology of culture, and literary, cultural, and artistic studies. It analizes actual topics of cultural and artistical debates from America, without losing the practical orientation through to cultural, artistic, philosophical, and poetic cultures. Here Art, Philosophy, Politics, Literature, Antropology and other fields of knowledge proposes a common space to share ways of cross-research in new interdisciplinary publications open to dialogue and creativity.

- International Studies: it opens the horizon of International Studies through research between national and subnational, state and non-state, formal and informal, and legal and illegal actors, whose actions have influenced the relations between two or more countries, linked territories, and spatialities.

EstuDav publishes Articles and Reviews.

The Articles section receives texts of up to 9,000 words (including bibliography, paratexts, and annexes), which develop a hypothesis and an original interpretive proposal, coming from research projects or review papers. In direct relation to the IMRAD nomenclature, the articles must present a methodological-theoretical introduction, followed by the section that reports the research content itself, its empirical foundation, and the instrumental procedures used. Finally, the proposal must have a conclusion that summarizes what has been done, with results and contributions that offer new study perspectives.

In the Reviews section, texts about a critical review of books and graduate tesis are welcomed. Maximum length: 4,000 words.